I was christening my new deck of Flower Therapy oracle cards (sent and signed by the gorgeous Robert Reeves) and as I was asking the angels what guidance was needed, this card jumped right out! You can’t ignore signs like that!

The message they gave me was this: to help cope with the coming festivities, ensure that you cleanse and balance your chakras. Chakras are energy centres within your body and when we worry or get stressed, they can become clogged up and are unable to spin as they should and can become enlarged or shrink. This impacts the energies that we receive from Source and Mother Earth, and the guidance and signs we receive from our angels and guides.
A crystal such as clear quartz help to cleanse our chakras, as does the white rose, and crystals such as fluorite, amethyst, citrine will help balance them.
Even the energy from this lotus card will help bring your chakras back into balance as you let your gaze rest upon it. Ask for its healing energy, and for Archangels Raphael and Michael, to come forward and shift away all your worries and stresses, lifting them away to leave you feeling light and bright and ready for the fun to be had.
Brightest blessings, Cherubs!
Jewel 💖
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